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Hero Images

The Hero, a large banner image or graphic, is prominently placed front and center on the home page. It is often the first visual element a visitor encounters on the site and presents an overview of the site's most important content.  The Hero image can be static or dynamic, and can include additonal content of a title, summary, and/or link.

Components for Home Page Layout

10 Available Components

*The above components are created on the home page. We have the option to build components in a separate folder and then call them to multiple areas of the site. The benefit here is that we update the component once even though it appears on multiple pages or sections of the website.

Section Explained

The ST4 template allows us to add sections to the home page. The Sections of a home page are comprised of a section heading and a wysiwyg editor for section main content.

Editors can add one to three columns underneath each section.  Each column can contain a headingmain content, and various components

See sample sections below.

One-Column Section

One-column sections will expand the full width of your page. This will be fine on small devices but may be unattractive on larger screens. Select the right components to avoid unnecessary white space or odd layouts.

You can a backgound to make content stand out or a sidebar with your choice of component to guide readers' eyes throughout page.

Two-Column Section

Highlight Recent News

Recent accomplishment? Share the news here.
Add a link to the story
Man overlooking a mountain lake.

Faculty Spotlight

You can also feature talented faculty members and link to their bio-pages. The options are "almost" limitless.

faculty bio page
Asa Griggs Candler Headshot

Upcoming Event

You can also feature an upcoming event.
Register for Event

College of Arts & Sciences

This is an information card with an image. Here you can add a 6x4 image, heading, titile, and subtitle. You can also add an external link, an internal link, or email address.